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How Homeowners Celebrate This Hot, New Trend

How Homeowners Celebrate This Hot, New Trend

Happy “housiversary”! Um, say what? Yep, #Housiversary is a thing on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and beyond.

The reason: Much like a marriage, the day you close the deal and officially “own” your home is a milestone that should be celebrated. Yearly! Only how?

Here are a bunch of ideas on how to celebrate this big event, from the very day you close the deal to years down the road.

Show off the keys to your castle

When you close on a property, you sign tons of documents and hand over any last payments. Then at the very end comes the best part—you finally receive the set of keys that actually open the doors to your new home. It’s no wonder so many housiversary revelers like to show off their key rings to mark the occasion.


Take before and after photos

Richard Blakeley of AmericanAutotroph.com and his wife closed on their home on Halloween of 2016.

“And we love to celebrate our housiversary,” says Blakeley. In addition to having a combo housiversary/costume party every Halloween, Blakeley also makes a point of taking yearly photos of his home to document the renovation progress.



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